
What do you think about the third season? If you would like to share your thoughts with us, please send me a message using the contact form.

My personal thoughts on season 3:

While the fourth season is my absolute forever favorite season 3 follows easily behind. I personally believe that the series experienced an actual twist with the release of the third season. Particularly in terms of its dull bleak and sophisticating nature. The previous seasons had their moments of suspense but season three is hovering that to a whole new level. Hence with the ending of the third season the series continued to thrive in a more mature and demanding way.

With that said I think season 3 is the epitome of success for the BSSM series itself. It basically represents the transition from a rather innocent storyline to a more gloomy yet gripping adventure. But then again this is what the anime was supposed to convey in the first place.

Let's spread some love and kudos to this wonderful season Mina

Season 3 is my favorite season because it's very dark at times, has a lot of emotional episodes and has the best finale. Also, I didn't know at the time that there was a fourth and fifth season, so I thought the end of the series was really cool. XD I love the Witches 5 and Mistress 9 and I was really excited when suddenly there were 2 more Senshi. *_* Season S is simply the best in many different ways - I can't list them all. ^_~ Mirei